Monday, November 1, 2010

Three weeks away? Time for some updates!

The time is creeping upon us, invitations have been sent, and hopefully you guys are planning on replying soon.  Please do so, as it will make our final preparations and expectations for who is coming much easier and cleaner.  We've already got a few snacks stashed away, and we're planning on grabbing a bit more, but if someone wanted to bring some bottled sodas and snacks to share, that would be great.  I suppose if someone were to bring some fruit, that would be a healthy alternative. 

Important things:
-If you're coming, bring your own food or money to purchase food.
-If you're going to spend the night, bring sleeping bags and pillows.  It has been getting a little cool at night.
-If you're going to spend the night, CALL US to tell us which days you're staying.  Call my cell, Jackie's cell, our house...or just tell us in person.

What's new on the HomeCon site?

I recently added a tab with a link to my collection (with pictures).  Take a look, find something that looks interesting.  If you're really eager about a game, you can poke around, and in the "files" section, there are often copies of the rules available.  If there's something you're interested in playing, post about it in the "The Games" area.

We're still working on the schedule of smart-aleky comments.

Lucio is still working on an event game for the convention.  If anyone has a very flat 4x4 sheet of plywood they don't need, that would make his work considerably easier.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gearing up for HomeCon--One month to go!

Well, just over a month.  We're trying to finalize everything, get our house in order, and get information to and feedback from everyone.  Please take the time to read through the pages at the top, particularly THE RULES. 

If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please make these known.  We're trying to make this a fun event, but please remember that this year we're trying to make everything as simple as possible for everyone.  We can add or change things, assuming we do this again next year.